La beauté de la fatigue et le frisson de la conquête

From now on, registration for all Eroica events will take place exclusively on the new MyEroica platform.

If you were already registered on the old EroicaPassport platform (YourEroica), you should be able to access MyEroica with the same credentials (username and password). Otherwise you will need to create a new profile.

Registration will open at 9:00 am on 9 December 2020 (CET, Rome) and will remain open until the 1,800 places available have been sold out, according to the following criteria:

• CICLO CLUB EROICA members may register at €40.00 (until 20 May 2021);

• STANDARD registration at €60.00 (until 20 May 2021, unless the 1,800 places available sell out beforehand);

• COMBINED “DOUBLE” (Eroica Montalcino + L’Eroica) at €115.00, limited to 200 places;

• COMBINED "TRIPLE" (Eroica Montalcino + NOVA Eroica Buonconvento + L’Eroica) at €150.00, limited to 200 places.

The registration fee, irrespective of the amount paid, includes: 

• RACE PACK with event gifts and souvenirs; 

• RACE NUMBER to be attached to your jersey and bicycle; 

• ROAD BOOK which will be stamped at checkpoints;

• EROICA MAP with details of the routes, food stops, checkpoints and mechanical assistance; 

• FOOD STOPS in varying numbers according to the length of the route chosen; 

• PRIZE at the finish line; 

• PASTA PARTY at the end of the event;

• SHOWERS at the finish line.