The beauty of fatigue and the thrill of conquest


NOVA Eroica Switzerland will take place on Saturday 15th June 2024 in Sion capital of the Valais (Switzerland).

NOVA Eroica Switzerland is an international amateur cycling event that takes place mainly on white gravel roads. In the current rules & regulations, NOVA Eroica Switzerland will be referred to as Event or Race.

The event will occur on road open t traffic. Accordingly, participants must comply with Federal Road Traffic Laws (LCR in French) as well as follow instructions from directors, managers and personnel of the race.

This regulation is subject to change up until the day of the event in the interest of the riders and their security. If needed, participants will be informed by electronic means (e-mail, Organizer’s website and social networks) of significant changes.


The two routes are open to vintage bike and all bikes. Electric bike are unauthorized.

Each participant must have on him/her throughout the ride and for the duration of the event:

  • a rigid helmet with chinstrap attached,
  • a mobile phone with a charged battery,
  • a bib and the road map with the emergency number,
  • a hydration (water bottle or hydration bag) system.

Motorized assistance or follower vehicles on the course are formally prohibited.

All costs arising from technical support (including spare parts) are the responsibility of each participant.


The practice of cycling in general could be a risky physical activity. Participants must be in good health and properly trained. A license and/or the medical certificate is not required to participate in cyclosportives events in Switzerland. However, the Organizer strongly recommends participants to consult a doctor to confirm their ability of being able to perform this type of effort.

The Organizer will implement several devices to secure the course: signs, motorcycles, flags indicating dangerous areas, signs indicating passages requiring special attention. The dangerous points of the course are referenced on the website of the event (

Throughout the course, participants must comply with the safety rules and instructions of the personnel of the race (bikers, volunteers, etc.). The security arrangements for the event ends at the crossing of the finish line.

Each participant, author or witness of an accident, or seeing a need of medical assistance has the obligation to aid others and call for help by calling the emergency number on their road book.

The participant is solely responsible for any incident, accident or failure to follow the regulations of the event. All fees that would result from a medical care (ambulance, doctor, hospital, etc.) are the responsibility of the participant concerned. The responsibility of the Organizer, their affiliates, their employees, and other auxiliaries for direct or indirect damage suffered by a participant, as part or in relation to their participation in the race, is solely excluded, in case of accident, theft or damage. The entry is confirmation that the participant is covered by their insurance and waiver any legal action against the Organizer.

By registering for the event, each participant confirms having read all the information, particularly those relating to security, and undertakes to comply.


NOVA Eroica Switzerland offers two different routes :

  • Via Gusto Lungo : 49km/270mD+;
  • Via Gusto Corto : 24 km/100mD+.

Routes will be signposted but each rider is expected to use the "Eroica map". The maps and GPS routes may be consulted and downloaded from the Routes page of the website.

The Organization will guarantee the presence of a vehicle at the start and finish that will follow the race.

Starting times are as follows :

  • Via Gusto Lungo : 10:00 am
  • Via Gusto Corto : 10:15 am


NOVA Eroica is open to anybody of either sex who is over 16 years of age. Under 16 years old the minor must be accompanied by an adult.

Each participant must benefit from his own insurance (accident insurance and civil liability), covering personal injury and property damage while in Swiss territory. The Organisation reserves the incontestable right to accept or refuse registration or to exclude an entrant from the event, should his/her participation damage the image of the event.


It is possible to register directly on the MyEroica platform:

Each participant must register using his/her own email address and choosing a password. The email address will become your user ID, therefore the same email address cannot be used by two or more people. Registration for kids (under 16 years) will be directly made on site on Saturday 18th of June or on Sunday 19th of June.

Only individual registrations are possible. Groups wishing to register a team using a single MyEroica account must contact the Organisers at [email protected]

Registration will open at 12:00pm on 19th of January 2024 (CET, Sion) with the following fees and closing dates for single registrations (i.e. registration for the NOVA Eroica Event only):

Via Gusto Lungo (from 16 years old) :

  • Ciclo Club Eroica : CHF 50.-
  • Early Birds (until 28 February) : CHF 75.-
  • Regulars (until 31 May) : CHF 85.-
  • Last Chance (from 1st June) : CHF 95.-

Via Gusto Corto (from 16 years old) :

  • Ciclo Club Eroica : CHF 50.-
  • Early Birds (until 28 February) : CHF 60.-
  • Regulars (until 31 May) : CHF 70.-
  • Last Chance (from 1st June) : CHF 80.-

Via Gusto (kids) :

Between 5 and 15 years old :

  • Early Birds (until 28 February) : CHF 20.-
  • Regulars (until 31 May) : CHF 25.-
  • Last Chance (from 1st June) : CHF 30.-

Less than 6 years old : free

The registration fee, irrespective of the established fee, includes:

  • WELCOME PACK with event gifts and souvenirs;
  • RACE NUMBER to be attached to your bicycle;
  • FOOD STOPS in varying numbers according to the length of the route chosen;
  • FINISHER MEDAL at the finish line;


WELCOME PACKS and RACE NUMBERS will be distributed at the established points at the following times :

  • Friday 14th June 2024, from 6:00 pm
  • Saturday 15th June 2024, from 6:30 am until 15 minutes before race departure.

In order to pick up your WELCOME PACK and RACE NUMBER, it is mandatory to present :

  • A printout of your “MY EROICA” page, showing your completed registration;
  • A valid form of I.D.

Collection of the “WELCOME PACK and RACE NUMBER” may be delegated to a friend or a person acting on your behalf on presentation of the above documentation, as well as the proxy document and a valid form of I.D. of the delegated party.


Each participant can choose the itinerary that suits him or her best, and this choice must be indicated at the time of registration.

The MAXI FLEX option guarantees flexibility in the choice of itinerary at the time of registration. Thanks to this option, participants can, without charge or justification, from the date of registration until the morning of the race:

  • Change their route until 15 June 2024
  • Transfer their race number to a third party until 15 June 2024
  • Postpone registration to the following year until 1 June 2024

If a registrant is unable to take part in the event, he or she has until 15 June to announce the situation. With the MAXI FLEX OPTION, you will have the option of deferring your entry until the following year. Without the MAXI FLEX option, the registration fee will not be refunded and the welcome pack will not be sent. Any application made after 15 June will not be processed.

All registrations considered valid for the following year are strictly personal and may not be transferred to a third party. If the person is unable to participate a second time, the registration fee will be forfeited.


Participants must follow the compulsory hours of neutralization, for security reasons. These barriers correspond to the hours from which it will be no longer be possible to continue the race from the relevant control post.

  • GRÔNE | Salle Recto-Verso (km 11) : 12:00 pm
  • CHALAIS | Arche des Crétillons (km 17) : 02:00 pm
  • CHIPPIS | Cour de l’école primaire (km 20) : 03:00 pm
  • GRANGES | Crêperie L’Ho’Ho’Ho (km 28) : 04:00 pm
  • SION | Place de la Planta (km 38) : 05:00 pm

If a participant wishes to give up, he/she must announce to any checkpoints set up by the Organizer (Grône, Chalais, Chippis or Granges). They must report to the postmaster, who removes the bib number and tells them the means of repatriation. Anyone abandoning outside checkpoints must immediately report their abandonment to the Organisation management through the emergency number shown on the road book.

Any participant victim to a fall, mechanical breakage or physical failure and who could not reach the repatriation points by themselves is required to immediately report his/her abandonment to the race management using the emergency number indicated on the road book. The final vehicle (broom wagon) will only support cases authorized by the race management.


Medical assistance includes the presence of ambulances with doctors and paramedics.


Any type of assistance by private vehicles following the race is strictly forbidden. The Organisation will provide mechanical assistance during the race but cannot guarantee complete cover for all athletes; it is therefore recommended that you carry a repair kit for punctures and breakdowns.


The Organizer puts a point of honor on the Olympic values of excellence, friendship and respect that are the keystone of a fair and sustainable sport. Participants must treat with respect the other competitors, the members of the Organization, volunteers and spectators. The Organizer reserves the right to exclude participants who commit acts of violent behavior or discriminating verbal abuse against anyone.


In order to respect the environment and natural areas crossed, it is strictly forbidden to abandon waste (paper, plastic packaging, tubes containing energy gels...) on the course. "Collection zones" and bins will be installed and posted on each refueling station on the course. They must be used by participants.

Participants must keep waste and packaging while waiting for the places indicated by the Organizer to get rid of it. The Organizer reserves the right to disqualify any participants deliberately throwing their waste outside of the designated areas.


Participation in the race is done under the full responsibility of the riders, with waiver of any recourse against the Organizer regardless of the damage suffered or caused.

In case of accident, liability of the Organizer and any individuals or entities participating in the Organization, including but without being exhaustive, the bodies and employees of the Organizer, the agents, contractors, auxiliaries, including volunteers, is excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.

Each competitor expressly authorizes the Organizer as well as their assigns, such as media, and partners to use still or audiovisual images of the race including preparation phases and those following the race on which he/she might appear, taken on the occasion of his/her participation in the Nova Erocia Switzerland, on all media including advertising and/or promotional material, worldwide and for the longest duration provided for by the law, regulations, treaties in force, including any extensions that could be made at this time.

Participation in the race not an entitlement to use the race for promotional or commercial purposes. All communication about the event or use of images from the event is proprietary and is subject to written authorization of the Organizer who will set the conditions.

The legal venue is Sierre, Valais.

In case of difference between the texts of the various versions of the regulations, the French version of the regulations is authentic.


If, for reasons of force majeure, the event does not take place, the registered person can request:

  • a refund of 80% of the amount paid
  • transfer their registration to next year free of charge

If the number of registrants is limited because of sanitary reason ( COVID-19), the principle of “first registrants, guaranteed bibs” will be used for the allocation of bibs.

Th Organisation reserves the right to move the place and/or date of the event within the same calendar year. In this case, the registration fee will be considered valid for the event on the new date, with no additional costs.


The organiser of NOVA Eroica Switzerland, above referred to as “Organisation”, is:

Association Nova Eroica Switzerland

Rue Pré-Fleuri

1950 Sion

The “L’Eroica” brand and all its variations, including “NOVA Eroica”, is owned by:


Via Casabianca 25

53013 Gaiole in Chianti, Siena, Italy

P.IVA 01357870524

Both of the above-mentioned companies are authorised by all participants to process and register their personal information. The personal information of all participants will be processed and registered according to the terms of Italian privacy law no. 196 dated 30/06/2003 and European Union Regulation 2017/679 (GDPR/18).

Sion, the 12th of June 2024.

Association Nova Eroica Switzerland